1974-1975 Yearbook

Club entertains bus children Koinonia's 17 members were involved in campus activity. competing in all small club sports. The club chose to have their spring banquet at Big Daddy's in Batesville. Blanchard Springs was the site for Koinonia 's outing during the month of April. Exhibiting their motto. "Friendship." Koinonia members took all of the children that rode the Downtown church of Christ bus to Sunday school on a picnic during the spring semester. Koinonia and their sister club. WHC. also shared devotionals and other activities during the year. ~1 ., L_ 1. Hall 2. Boyd 3. Davis 4. Foster, Queen 5. Bryant 6. Chalenburg 7. Nobel 8. Lee 9. Green 10. McWhorter 11 . Klippel 12. Smith 13. Lee 14. Toy .. • KOINONIA / 203