Sigma Tau enjoys fall hayride Sigma Tau Sigma members were active in all club activities. especially in the area of sports. The club had teams participating in all small club sports competition . Sigma Tau enjoyed a close relationship with their sister club. Theta Psi. The two clubs enjoyed a hayride and weiner roast during the fall semester. Club members also planned a late winter banquet on February 28. In addition. Sigma Tau Sigma members, along with Theta Psi. kept busy during the spring semester preparing for their Spring Sing presentation entitled .. Prison Blues." 1. Simmons 2. Betts 3. Mead 4. Chessir 5. McClafferty 6. Blake 7. Wiechert 8. Whittemore 9. A. Ensminger 10. Greenway 11, D. Ensminger 12. Johnson 13. Daniels SIGMA TAU SIGMA / 201