1974-1975 Yearbook

Knights take 1st in volleyball "God first. others second. self last " was the goal that the 4S members of Knights strove to exemplify through their ac · tivities and service programs. Members traveled to Morrilton Children's Home and visited with the children on Sunday afternoons. Fall activities included an outing to Wyldewood with their sister club, Phi Delta. and participation in all sports activities. Their "A" team captured the small club volleyball championship. Plans for the second semester included a Spring Sing presentation. "Wild. Wild West" and a late winter banquet. 1. Seiler 2. Buchanan 3. Humphrey 4. Rice 5. Wilson 6. McCoy 7. Bristow 8. Beach 9. Brazile 10. Nixon 11. Murphy 12. Boivie 13. Slasher 14. Biddle 15. Greenway 16. Carter 17. Woods 18. Granberg 19. Ford 20. J. Cannon 21. Wright, Sponsor 22. Risener 23. Phi llips 24. Frey 25. Kee 26. Guthrie 27. Stailey. Queen 28. Farrar 29. J. Cannon 30. Arne11 31. Aven 32. Scroggins 33. Cope 34. Arnell 35. l. Cannon 36. Betts KNIGHTS / 193