1974-1975 Yearbook

Kings Men win football title In its second year, Kings Men grew and became active in serving the Harding community. They held devotionals with all the other clubs on campus. conducted worship services at Rosebud, Letona, and other small congregations, painted all of Searcy's trash cans, and supported Camp Shiloh financially. In sports competition, Kings Men took first place in small club football. Kings Men, along with their newly elected sister club, Oege , presented a Spring Sing presentation entit led "Songs of the South." , . Fernandez 2. Visalli 3. Gallaher 4. Walker 5. Carbaugh 6. Dixon 7. Nail 8. lincoln 9. Woodroof 10. Bland 11 . Daniels 12. Kimmel 13. Bowers 14. Olree, Queen 15. Lane 16. Ransom 17. Stilwell 18. Adams 19. Atterbeny 20. Lewis 21. Womack 22. Mullis 23. Heaton 24. Moorer 25. Chism 26. Buterbaugh 27. Canard KINGS MEN / 191