Kappa Sigs enjoy trip to river Spiced with outstanding students. Kappa Sigma Kappa began the year by adding 35 new members. The club showed their concern for others by having a 100 percent participation for the S.A. Toy and Dolly Drive and collecting money for a bereaved Searcy family. Kappa Sigs gave total effort to the Harding sports program and participated in all sports events. The highlight of the year was a spring float trip with their sister club. Tri-Kappa. on the Buffalo River. The club also held very meaningful devotionals with Tri-Kappa. Ending the year with a climax, Kappa Sigs held its March banquet at the Red Apple Inn in Little Rock. 1. Stevens 2. Emerson 3. Reese 4. Davis 5. Thornton 6. McLeod 7. Eudaly 8. Gutierrey 9. Arnold 10. Watts 11. Muncy 12. Yingling 13. Bullard 14. Hewitt 15. Nash 16. Moskwa 17. Binns 18. Loflin 19. Skelton 20. Samanie 21 . Winston 22. Tribble 23. English 24 . Jeter 25. Kuwitzky 26. Edwards 27. Reed 28. Simmons KAPPA SIGMA KAPPA / 185