1974-1975 Yearbook

Club holds spring campaigns Alpha Omega was active in all small club sports competition. taking first place in "B" team volleyball. They were very close to their sister club. Delta Chi Omega. The two clubs shared devotionals and enjoyed an outing to Casa Bonita during the fall semester. During the spring semester. the club conducted weekend campaigns in West Memphis and Four Mile Hill. As a service project. Alpha Omega members helped a Searcy family whose house had burned . The club also planned a humorous chapel program and presented a Spring Sing program based on barbershop style music with Delta Chi. 1. Emmett 2. Wilson 3. Wells 4. Hovvell 5. O'Neal. Sponsor 6. Helton 7. Howard, SponsorS. Henderson 9. Kimmel 11'), Clayton 11. Hobelman 12. Pritchett 13. Jordan 14. D. Spillman 15. Rickaway 16. Grady 17. Rives 18. Banta 19. Murphy 20. May 21. T. Johnston 23. Finley 23. Steger 24. Hammond 25. Franke 26. Brewer 'Zl. Bradford 28. Cox 29. Aothful 30. McLean 31. Baxter 32. Porter 33. Weager 34. Purdom 35. Kelley 36. Hammett 37. Ashley 38. Stanley 39. Johnston 40. Wilson 41 . Mclain 42. Brickman 43. McCormick, Oueen 44. Taylor 45. Waldron 46. Thomason 47. S. Spillman4B. Crawford 49. Betts 50. Estes 51 . Baughan ALPHA OMEGA / 181