1. Ferrel 2. Garrol3. C. Atkinson 4. Cave 5. Henderson 6. Stephens 7. Reagan 8. Stroop 9. Pace 10. Alexander 11. Morgan 12. Hunt 13. Cook 14. Musick, Sponsor 15. Cindy Atkinson 16. Mitchell 17. Hoggard 18. Sparks 19. Byrd 20 Pepper 21 Wallace 22. Richardson 23. Buey 24. Rogers 25. Wilson 26. Gray 'Zl. Hester 28. Matheny 29. Brady 30. Nichols 31. Malone 32. Peddle 33. Woodruff, Sponsor 34. Woodruff 35. Armstrong 36. Mooneyham 37. Betts 38. Barker 39. Welson, Beaux 40. Mulvaney 41. Wi lliford 42. Kidd 178 / GATA Winter Festival helps charity Gata shared many activities with their brother club, Alpha Tau, such as an ice cream supper and devotionals. As service projects, the club visited Oakdale Nursing Home, donated money to charities, participated in the Christmas Toy and Dolly Drive, and collected canned goods at Halloween. Gata sponsored the Winter Festival, which benefited Camp Wyldcwood. Gata participated in all club sports, taking first place in speedba ll competition. Gata members also enjoyed an outing to Blanchard Springs and a banquet at Christmas time.