1974-1975 Yearbook

Students actively participate in state political campaigns Severa l panels. sponsored by the SllIdellt Natioual Education Associarioll. soug h t to increase students' awareness of the problems and privileges associated with teaching. These panels. which were made up of first ·yea r teachers and more experienced teachers. proved to be very bene fi cial to all those in attendance. During Nationa l Education Week. each member of SNEA was in charge of taking a local child to a ba ll game. Emphasis was also placed upon the Christian as an educator in today's educational society. Silldelll Mu sic Educators' National COllIe reI/ ce, A 11/ erica 1/ C hora I DireclOrs' Association. and A Tempo a ll functioned co llective ly under the title of A Tell/po. Plans were made by members for a fund raising drive to buy a new harpsicord for the school. Other activit ies included various musicallyori ented programs and trips. Youug Democrats and Young Republicaus enjoyed a lively bout due to the heated race between Congressman Wilbur D. Mills and Mrs. Judy Petty. a Republican. in an Arkansas election. Students active ly campaigned for their various choices for state and national offices. 1. YOUNG REPUBLICANS. ROW ONE: Neely, Hicks, Peters. ROW TWO: Sides, Jones, Hinds, Porter. ROW THREE: Marr, Lawyer, White. 2. YOUNG DEMOCRATS. ROW ONE: Olbricht, Whittemore, Elkins. ROW TWO: Fears, Tucker, Wiles, Elliott. 3. DISCUSSING problems of studen t teaching is a panel of students who have completed this requirement. 4. SNEA. ROW ONE: McDaniel , Roll , Dyer, Graves, Semanek, Metheny, Tabor, Carns, Carter, Archer, Masters. ROW TWO: Nagle, Smith, Bailey. Moser, Puckett, Wilson, Dockery, Kirby. McClurg, Rhodes, Estes, Garner, Galloway. luye. ROW THREE: Hicks, Gray. Harris, Niemi, Batten, Wilkerson, Malone. Ripski , Moxley, Ezell, Staub. ROW FOUR: Basinger, Murphree. Saxton, Vernon, Boudra, Sims. Roberts. Heightman, Waldron, Dethrow, Drews, Deacon, McBurney, Peyton. ROW FIVE: Hull , Frederick, Thomas, Ross, Martin, Miller, Daniel, Casey, Burcham, Burns, Balcom, Herrington. ROW SIX: Morris, Hunter, Adams, Murphy. 5. SMENC. ROW ONE: Aly, Wi lson, Balcom, Mitchell, Grant. ROW TWO: Blackwell. Bandy. Pulley, Almand, Burcham. 168 I SPECIAL INTERESTS