1974-1975 Yearbook

WSRO presents fashion show for Harding women A "Petit Tour De France," min iature version of the french bike race. was conducted by the Frellch Club. Other activities inc luded having french devotionals. writing to new converts in france. and sponsoring a ta lent show. The Women Students' Represen· talive Organization initiated Mary Beth Downing, Dean ofWomen, as their new sponsor . Executive Council members conveyed the ideas of women students for improvement of the dormitories . A fashion show was also sponsored by WSRO, highlighting patterns for dresses that would comply with Harding's dress code and sti ll be fashionable and economical. With an awareness of increasing violence in the community, plans were made for the showing of a self-defense movie. 1. FRENCH CLUB. FIRST ROW: Baten, Horsman, Young, Pemberton. SECOND ROW: Hibbard, Henneman, Wright, Franke, Taye, Hoffman. TH IRD ROW: Garner, Houghton, Hayes, DuPont. 2. WSRO EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. FIRST ROW: Smith, Dunavant, Stailey, Reed. SECOND ROW: Schmedel, Nix, Garner, Kirschner. DEPARTMENTAL / 167