1974-1975 Yearbook

2 Campaigners look to South America • • ID new campaign International Campaigns. fonnerly European Campaigns, changed their name due to the addition of a new work centered in Brazil. Thus members spanned the globe spreading God's word throughout the world, Cam/xliglls Northeast worked with the Westside church to enroll students in the Saturday Bible hour held at the congregation, The members also did door to door work in various central Arkansas communities. In an effort to teach Christ's message farther west. a new group banned together under the title of Campaigns Northwest . Weekly meetings were held to formu late plans for the summer's campaign to the Northwest. 158 / RELIGIOUS GROUPS 3 ) . " ~ /..' .- , Th 5 I..: -r e. rs I _ ct.., 0(1 H,S 71)r r, •.,-.. . /: ob:ve