1974-1975 Yearbook

Emory Business Team works hard in Atlanta contest Members of the Emory Business Team spent many sleepless nights making plans and decisions for the simulated business games held in Atlanta at Emory University. In March. the men traveled to Atlanta to defend the nationa l title against stifl' competition from Auburn. Notre Dame. and Vanderbi lt. Applying knowledge gained from the classroom. members made decisions concerning advertising. quality control. price, and inventory. The Reno Business Team began meeting in February to develop strategy for the Reno-based business games . The team this year was made up entirely of new members who confronted prominent western universities in Nevada. 1. RENO BUS tNESS TEAM : Mc tnteer. Simmons, Clarke, Tucker. Bartholomew. 2. EMORY BUStNESS TEAM : FIRST ROW: Henderson , Fowler, Comotto. SECOND ROW: Eubanks, Emerson. 2