- 1. SIGMA TAU DELTA. FIRST ROW: Ulrey, Garner, Horsman, Whittemore. SECOND ROW: Elkins, Johnson, Stevens. Nix, Elliott. THIRD ROW: Young , Pemberton, Carter. 2. ALPHA PSI OMEGA. FIRST ROW: Clark, Wolf, Manlove. SECOND ROW: Ellis, S. Bixler, T. Bixler. THIRD ROW: Jamison, Caldwell . 3. PI KAPPA DELTA. FIRST ROW: Tipton, Hinds, Smelser, Kell . SECOND ROW: Cardat, Porter, Gerlach, Wilson, Mangrum. THIRD ROW: Paine. Hood, Jones, Bowers. Ulrey. 4. STARRING in "You Can 't Take It With You ," Keith Brenton, Gloria Shoop, and Kristen Siem rehearse a scene. NAT'L HONOR GROUPS / 151