Belles and Beaux make preparations for overseas show During December. the A Cappella chorus performed on campus with the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra. A twoweek tour of the South was taken during Christmas break. The Northeast was the destination of the annua l spring break tour. Other spring activities included a performance at the Christian College Choral Festival and the release of a record of European Tour '74. Chorus members again made plans for European Tour '76. The Belles alld Beaux overseas group made plans for a fifty-six day USO tour to the Far East. Other members practiced for several program commitments here in the States. The entire group participated with the Associated Women for Harding in raising funds for the college. Presentations were also given in and around Arkansas. 1. BELLES AND BEAUX. FIRST ROW: Woods, DePriest , Dooley, Parham. SECOND ROW: Powers, Roper, Aly, Ba lcom, Henley, Blackwell, Pullen, Roberts. THIRD ROW: Eastland, Jones, Hough. FOURTH ROW: McLain, Curtis. D. Ganus FIFTH ROW: Green , Beck , C. Ganus. 2. A CAPPELLA. FIRST ROW: Cunningham, Green, Perkins, Kim Curtis, Almand , Parham, Gay, Rogers, B. Curtis, Thomas, Choate, Arnold , Balcom, Rhodes, M ei ners, Kathy Curtis, Aly. SECOND ROW: Bates, W oods, W ilson, Osbirn , Rogers, Powers, Mullen, Thweatt, Roberts , Wright, M itchell , Billingsley, Bucy, Foley, Metheny, Dooley. THIRD ROW: Mortensen, McMillian, Steffins, Burcham, Henley , Eastland , Robinson, Andrews, T . Beck, Nash, Row. Benson , Blackwell, Michelle Pullara, Camp· bell. Grant, Prince. FOURTH ROW: Mike Pullara , Hazelton. M cWhorter, Bixler, Lewis, Beckland, Hough, Langston, Jorgensen, l. Beck, Pitchford, Daniel , Griffith, Pounders, McLain, Rober. FIFTH ROW: Carter, C. Jones, Lawson , Shirley, Dell, H. Jones, Organ , Hurd, Moore, Tipps, DePriest, Reed, Winters, Holder, Cox . 3. OIRECTING the A Cappella Chorus, Ken Davis strives for perfection . MUSIC GROUPS / 145