Petit Jean takes 15th consecutive All-American For the 15th consecutive year. the Petit }('(I/I staff received an All· American award at the Arkansas Co ll ege Publication Association Convention at Arkadelphia. The staff also received the tlrst place awards for photography. copy. and coverage. and the tirst place award for general excellence after a close face with Ouachita Baptist College. During the 1975 year. the staff attempted to portray the principles on whi ch Harding was built through the theme "Educating for eternity." In hopes that the book wou ld touch the lives of those who read it. each member tri ed to lise pictures and copy in their sections that exhibi ted Chr istian characteristics. In cove ring the later part of the SOyear celebration. reporters attempt ed to capture the uniqu eness of the ce lebrati on and to honor the great people that played major roles in Hard ing's progress. 136 / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS