Bible department offers program in preacher training During 1974.24 MAT degrees were conferred bringing the total to 328. "Special Topics is Elementary Science." a workshop directed by Dr. George Woodruff and Mr. Bill Rushton. has been funded for the second summer by the national Science Foundation. providing stipends for 30 elementary teachers. The Bible Department began an intensive two-year. non-credit Christian Communications Program for the training of preachers . Limited to men who were 21 years of age or older. this program had a special curriculum. and its classes were not open to students in the regular college program. 1. GRA DUATE COUNCI l. Edward Sewell, Ph.D.; Harry Olree, Ed. D.; Nyal Royse, Ed.D; Jack Wood Sears, Ph.D.; James Carr, Jr., Ed.D.; Joseph Pryor, Ph.D. 2. UNDER the guidance of the Home Economics Department, Mrs. Beech and Mrs. Crockett keep Christopher James, Christy Lackie, Barry Brown, David Dowe, Markus James, Michelle Pierce, Joanna Walker, Johnnie Ballard. and Tommy Bendinelli occupied with the duties of Nursery School . Abbo« , Mark ......... , . Anderson, Charles Andres, Richar Belcher, Don ................... . 128 / GRADUATES, CCP Stow,OH Shreveport , LA Topeka , KS Tecumseh, MI