1974-1975 Yearbook

As corruption and world struggles shook our basic governmental foundation , Christian ity extended sound security for all who would accept it. Students found themselves building even stronger Christian ties and dedications as "Americanism" in 1975 developed new meaning. No longer were high officials always elected by the people as Gerald Ford became the first non-elected President of the United States . Approved pardon for Ex ·president Nixon and amnesty for Vietnam draft dodgers continued as a maior controversy for the notion . The Mideast remained the world 's exploding hornets ' nest as heated unrest persisted. In spite of the differences in governmental beliefs, ties between Russia and the United States strengthened. As vandalism swept to a record high and riots broke out as results of bussing, people began to cry out across our notion , "What's happening to America 's values? What is there for the people to believe in and hold on to 7" INTRODUCTION / 11