1973-1974 Yearbook

RAGIN, MICHAEL U Y. Ja.on...., AI. Business Administration . FlNII , fllDlllOt J. ShI....', NY. Biology and Physicol Education. Tronsfer from Suffolk County ComlOOnity College. Alpha Tou Epsilon 3.4; Big Brothers 4; Bison Boosters 2; I.on Stoff 3; PEMM Club 2,3; Swimming 2,3,4; Crass Country 2; Trock 2,3,4; IntralOOrQls 2.3.4. f1TZGIUlD, MAIl THOMAS. StOll foils, SD. Art . TroMfer from yorit College. fITZGIRAlD, SAMMII J. OldahOfM Oty, 01. Biology. Tronsfer from ()t(lahomo Christian College . Sub T 2,3.4; PEMM Club 2,3,4; Football 2,3; Intramvrals 2.3.4. flYNN, CHIIlllY. MUlde Shoal" Al . Missions. Oege 1.2.3,4. FOICI, PATIIC'A IENU. Mt. Juliet , nt Art . Transfer from freed-Hardeman College. FOINEA, WALTER EUGENI. Inflrpri••, MS. Bible. Transfer from Whitworth Callege. Timothy Club 3.4; Al1cansos Campaigns 4; Iowa Campoigns 4. FOlTENBlln, MAl' LYNN. N•• port, AI. Business Education. Phi Delta 1.2,3,4; Alpha Chi 3,4; American Studies 3,4; Big Sisters 2; SNEA 4; Bisonettes 1. roWIII, CHAllIS AUAN. Hith s,....., fl . Bible. Transfer from lake City Junior College. Sigma Tau Sigma 3,4. Treos. 3; Timothy Club 3,4. fOWLKES, DAISY lATHY. M• ...,.., TN. English . Transfer from freed-Hardeman College . Big Sisters 4; KHCA Stoff 4; SHEA 4. flIEMAN, FIEDA lOUINI. OIceota, IN. Vocational Home Etonomics. AHEA 4; SHEA 4. nIEMAN, GIORGI DOUGW. Storey, AI. Social Wor1c . Galaxy 1.2,3; Compos Players 1; German Campaigns 1; Behavioral Science Club 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3 . fllEMAN, STANLEY DIAN. U."", ON. Bible and Mathemat ics. Alpha Tou Epsilon 2,3,4; Chorale 1,2; Temis 2. fliNCH, NITA lAT. llik. Oty, MI. Home Economics. Transfer from Michigan Oristian College. FUlUI, CAITHEL DON, JI. ......H, AI. General Science. fUlUI, lAlLA un. ,.tucoh, KY. Dietetics. Transfer from freed-Hardernon College. Omega Phi 2.3,4, Sec. 3; AHEA 2,3.4, Treas. 3.4. State TffiJs . 4. WATCHING the action elif Harris enjoys a hot bowl of chili. Coke, chlli, friends warm the hearts of Harding students SENIORS / 97