1973-1974 Yearbook

DEMPSEY, DEBORAH S. Memphis, TN. Elementary Educat ion. WHC 1,2,3,4, Sec . 2. Vice Pres. 4; May Fete Royalty 3; Firemorshall 3; Project Braz.iI4 ; Recording Chorus 2; SNEA 3.4; IntramJrals 1,2,3.4. DlntlCH, CHARLENE. ROChestlf, NT. Secondary Education . Ju GoJu 1,2,3,4, Vice Pres. 3; Compus Ployers 2.3,4; Science Club 2.3; Student Association 4. DillARD, DEBOIAH LOU. Tem,., At. Mothemotics. Regina 2.3,4, Treos . 4; ACappella Chorus 1.2,3,4; Belles and Beaux 2,3; Recording Chorus 1; SHEA 4; Women's Dorm Council 1; Sigmo Tau Delta 4; Closs Vice Pres . 4. DIXON, BElINDA CHERTl. Fitl"roId, GA. Physical Education. Transfer from Abraham Baldwin College . Ju Go Ju 2,3.4; Cheerleader 3,4, Sec .·Treas. 4; Homecoming Queen Candidate 4; Intramura'ls 2,3,4. DIXON, JOHN ALAN. fih.gerakl, GA. Physical Ecucation . Who' s Who 4, SNEA 4, Track 1,2, Footboll 1,2,3,4, AII-AIC 1,3.4, AIINAIA-Dist .-17 1,2,3,4, little All-American Honorable Mention 4, AII-NAIA Honorable Mention 3; Worthen Sports Award 3; Outstanding College Athlete of America 3,4. DOCIERY, JANICE LEE. Fayetteville, AI. Vocational Home Economics. Kappa Delta 1,2,3,4; AHEA 1.2,3,4; SNEA 1,2,3,4; Bison Boosters 1; Chorale 1,2, Treos . 2; Dactylology 1; Les Bonnes de Ctw'iste 1; JOY 4; Closs Sec .-Treas. 3; May Fete Royalty 3. DODD, GART BRUCI . Williamstown, WV. Bible. Transfer from Ohio Volley College. Kappa Sigmo Kappa 3,4; Men's Wing Counselor 3; IntrafTl.ll'"als 3,4. DUBERIT, GEORGI OMER. Seth, WV. Business Administration. Transfer from Alabama Christian College. Delta Theta Epsilon Beau 3,4; Bison Booster 3,4; 1ntromurals 3,4. DUKE, BRINDA CAROTHERS. Memphis, TN.Medicol Technology . Ko Ja Kai 1,2,3,4. DUIE, JOHN RICHARD. Valparaiso, Fl. Bible. Chi Sigma Alpha 1,2,3,4; A Cappello Chorus 1,2,3,4; Alpha Chi 4. DUKE, PATRICIA ANNE. Riolto, CA. Vocational Home Economics. Transfer from Columbia Christian College. AHEA 3.4. DUNLAP, LYLE ElWOOD. Searcy, AR. Accounting. Beta Phi Kappa 1.2,3,4; Intramurals 1.2,3,4, Most Points 2; Intramural Assistant 3,4. DUNN, BRENDA TALLET. SearcT, AR. Dietetics . Kappa Kappa Kappa 1,2.3,4. WLEY , IELDA EILEEN. Mh!. HOlM, AI. Office Administration. Transfer from Crowley 's Ridge College. Kirei Na Ai 3,4, Sec. 4. WON, EDWARD UT. Ft. Wort.., TX. General Science . Chi Sigma Alpha 1.2,3,4; Big Brothers 1.2; Who's Who 3,4; Football 1,2,3.4, All-Ale 4, All-NAIA-Dist .-17, 4, All-American NAIA 2nd Team . ; Intramurals 1,2,3,4, Basketball All-Stars 1,3; PEMM Club 2,3.4. WON, TlESIA AHH. Ft. Wonk, TX. Physical Education . Gata 1,2,3,4; PEMM Club 1,2,4; Bison Booster 1,2,3,4; Bisonettes 1; Cheerleader 2,3,4. WT, JANICE LEE. Bridgeport, TX. Psychalogy . Beta Tau Gamma 1,2,3,4; Art Guild 1.2; Behavioral Science Club 3,4; Big Sisters 2,4; Campaigns Northeast 4; Science Club 3,4; Women' s Dorm Council 4. lASTMAN, JANICI SUE. CooMUe, OH. Biology. Ju Go Ju 1,2,3,4. Treas. 3, Vice Pres . 4; PEMM Club 4; Bison Boosters 1,2; BisoneNes 1. ECHOlS, RODNEY EARL. Fort..t Chy, AR. General Science. Mohican 1.2,3; Footbolll ,2,3,4; AII·AIe. , AII-NAIA-Dist .-17 , 4. ELKINS, IARBARA P. Fenton, MO. English. Transfer from Crowley' s Ridge College. Big Sisters 4; Doctylology 4; SHEA 3,. ; Monsas Campaigns 3; JOY 4. ELLMORI, STACEY DIE. ONnlle, CA. History . Transfer from California State College at Fullerton. Kappa Kappa Kappa 3,4, Sec . 4; Frater Sodalis Queen 4; Recording Chorus 3; A Cappello Chorus 4; Big Sisters 4. EVANS, MARY BnH. G4ensl., PA. English. Kappa Phi 1.2,3,4, Treas. 3; Sigma Tau Delta 4; Alpha Delta lambda 1,2, Sec .· Treas. 2; Who' s Who 4; Alpha Chi 4; Big Sisters 2; Campaigns Northeast 1,2,3; Chorale 1; Recording Chorus 2; SNEA 4; Illtromurols 4. FARMER, JOHN F.II. Glocfewater, TX. Accounting. Transfer from Kilgore Junior College. Alpha Tou Epsilon 4; Accounting Club 3,4; Firemarshall 3.4; Intromurals 3,4. FAULl.HER, JUDT ANN. Gadsden, AL. Transfer from Gadsden State Junior College. Oege 2.3,4, Vice Pres. 4; Bison Boosters 2,3; Dactylology 2; Science Club 4; SNEA 3; Intromurals 3,4. 96 / SENIORS