1973-1974 Yearbook

IUII"An. OTIS I •• JI. Gle. lI"on. WV. Dietetics. IUITON. STEVIN M. N.. port. AI. Business Administration and Accounting. Mohican 2.3,4; American Studies 4; Band 2.3. Drum Mojor 3. lUSH. 100In GlOiGI. s..rey, AI. Special Education. Sigma Tou Sigma 1,2,3,4; SHEA 1,2,3,4. IlIO, JOEL ANTHONY. MeftifH. AI. Psychology. Transfer from Yor1c. College. Mohican 3.4; Basketball 3; Intramurals 3.4. ITIO, LYNml. MonK". AI. Psychology. Transfer from Sout~ western Christian College. Sigmo Sigmo Sigma 3.4; Behavioral Science Club 3,4. IYIO, IICHAlO ALLIN. Searcy, AI. General Science. Galaxy 1,2,3,4. CAMPBEll, JOHN HOWAlD [JAa), Toledo, OH. Physical Education. Transfer from Mineral Area College. Basketball 3.4; Intramurols 3.4. CAMPBEll, NUIA DAIUNI. Gallo..." OH. Biology. WHC 1,2,3; Sigma Sigma Sigma 4; Bond 1,2,3,4. CANNON. CYNTHIA 01A... Shrn.,ort, LA. Physical Education. Orege 1,2,3.4; Bison Boosters; Cheerleader 1.2.3,4; Intram.wals 1,2,3,4. alOIN. MAlT IUIN. Til.....", AL. English. Transfer from Alabomo Ctw-istian College . CAUGHION, JOYCI ANN. Momphl., TN. Vocational Home Economics . Transfer from Freed-Hardemon College. AHEA 3.4; Big Sisters 4; Firemarshall 3.4; SHEA 4; Women' s Dorm Council 4; European Campaigns 4. CHAMIUE. GAIT G. S--CY. AI. Accounting . Mohican 1,2,3; AccOlXlling Club 4. atAM.UI. UIIN SCOilY. SMrcy, AI. Elementary Education. Ju GoJu 1; SIlontih 4; SHEA 2; Alpho Chi 3,4. atUTHAM. WI' W. lnroMo. U. Social Science. Transfer from Henderson State College. Galaxy 3,4; Men' s Wing Counselor 4. CHili, CAIOl DlANI. UIlo, II. Physicol Education. Koppo Phi 1,2,3.4, TffiJs . 4; les Bonnes de Ctw-iste 2,3; SHEA 4; PEMM Club 1,2,3,4; Chorole 1,2; Intrc.......ls 2,3,4. CHILD, JANn LII. Fin6ry. OH. Art . Transfer from Bob Jones University . Sigma Sigma Sigma 3,4; Art Guild 3,4; Big Sisters 4. CU.I., PAUL CHIIS. SomInoli. R. Psychology. Transfer from University of South Florida . lambda Sigmo 3,4, Vice Pres . 3.4; Behaviorol Science Club 4; Interclub Council 4; Golf 3; IntrarntKals 3.4. CLAII, IICHAID AIOHZO. M.m...bonI, NC. Speech. Knights 1; Campus Players 1.2.3,4; KHCA Stoff 3.4; Spelunkers 1; Alpha Psi Omeoa 3,4, Vice Pres. 4; Best Bockstage Award 3. ClAIT, IOGEI Sn,"IN. c.hMafe, IL. Accounting. Kappa Sigma Kappa 4; Alpha Chi 4; Who' s Who 4; Americon Studies 3,4; WHC Beau 3,4; football 1,2,3,4; Intrc.....ls 1,2,3,4. COCHRAN, Ila, Oll. H...... MM. Vocational Home Economics. Phi Delto 1,2,3,4, Sec. 2, Vice Pres. 3, Pres. 3; Closs Sec. 2; Who' s Who 4; AHEA 1,2,3,4; Bison Band 1; Big Sisters 2; SHEA 4; Student Association 4; Women' s Dorm Council 2. COLLINS, IOGlI OAU. eoe.••• MS. General Business. Kappa ~gma Kappa 1,2,3,4; football 1,2,3,4. CDMOTTO, MATTHEW WIlliAM. I_.od HII, NT. Accounting ond Business Adminstration. Transfer from Nossau Community College. Mohican 4; Morton Utley Award 3; liaon Sports Editor 4; American Studies 4; Cross Country 4, Captain 4; Trade 3,4, Inspiration Award 3; Swimming 3; Intromurols 2,3,4. CONI.IONMI A"Nmt. UttIo lock, AI. Accounting . Ju Ga Ju 1,2,3,4. COOPEI, JOHN STlPHIN. ledford, IN. Bible. Koinonia 1,2,3,4; Campaigns Northeast 2,3; Men' s Wing Counselor 3.4; Intromurols 1. 94 / SENIORS