Happy-go-lucky people find friends at ice cream party WARDING off the teasing Joyce Richardson, Larry Wade refuses her offer of melted ice cream. BAKER, VERNON DALE, Portit, AI. Bible. Transfer from Crowley' s Ridge College. Beta Phi Kappa 1,2.3,4; Mission Studies 1; Timothy Clob 1,2,3,4; Bison Boosters 1. BANTA, JANn KAT. Oden, AI. Elementary Education. Kappa Delta 1,2,3.4. Sec. 3; Les Bonnes de Christe 1,2,3; JOY 4; SNEA 3,4 , Vice Pres. 4; Recording Chorus 2; Alpha Chi 3.4. Treas. 4. BARBER, JOHN PHILIP (JACK]. ft. Myers, FL. Business Administration . Kappa Sigma Kappa 1,2,3,4; Kappa Koppa Kappa Beau 4; Introrn.lrols 1,2.3,4; Football 1,3,4, AII·AK 4, AII·NAIA· District-17 4; Track 3. BARNEn. DELBERT RAY. York, HI. Business Administration. Transfer from York College . Mohican 3.4; Baseball 3. BASS, PATRICIA ANN. Piedmont, AL. Social Wor1c.. Transfer from Alabama Christian College . Tafebt 3; Big Sisters 4. BKK, KEN ALLIN. N. l.ittM Rodl, AR. Journalism. Kappa Sigma Kappa 1,2,3,4; Alpha Phi Gamma 3,4; Bi.on Stoff 1,2,3; Pmt J..n Stoff 2,3; KHCA Stoff 3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Footbolll ,2; T rock 1.2.3. BECK, LARRY GENE. GallMlYiU., TX. Physical Education. Kappa Sigma Kappa, DONALD EDWARD. Tteumllh, ML Psychology, Transfer from Washtenow Community College. Lambda Sigmo 2.3,4, Vice Pres 3, Pres. 4; IntralOOrals 2,3,4; Bowling 2. BELISlI, MICHAEl RAY. Yall.lo, CA. Accounting. Transfer from Solano Community College . BElUS, RICHARD LEROY. Covington, IN. Physical Education. Sigma Tou Sigmo 1,2,3,4; PEMM Club 2,3,4, Recorder 4; Cross Country 1,2,3,4, CtrCopt. • ; Trock 1,2,3.4. BENNm, PEGGY LOU. Searey, AI. Elementary Education. Theta Psi 1,2.3,4, Treas. 2; SHEA 4. BfTT5, CINDY JANE. Storey, AR. Elementary Education. Regino 1,2,3,4; SHEA 3; Bison Stoff 3,4; Alpha Chi 4. BETTS, RICHARD WAYNE. SHrcy, AR. Accounting. Galaxy 1,2,3,4. Vice Pres. 3; American Studies 3.4; Bi.on Business Manager 3.4; Pi Gamma Psi 3.4. Vice Pres. 4; Alpha Chi 4. BIGHAM, LAURII SUSAN. Horrilburt, AR. Biology . Kappa Phi 1,2,3,4; WSRO 4, Historian 4; Dactylology 1.2; Morton Utley Award 3; "tit J.an Staff 4; Science Club 3. BLACKBURN, KATHRYN MASTERSON. florence, AL. Elementary Education. Transfer from Freed-Hardemon College. BLAIR, BRADEN MONROE. Castleberry, AL. Bible and Psychology . Transfer from Alobamo Christian College. King ' s Men 4. Pres . 4; Timothy Club 3.4; Intromurals 3,4; Youth Forum Council 3,4. 92 / SENIORS