Seniors recognize Justus and Helsten in 1974 Petit Jean Leadership among members of the 1974 senior class became clearly evident soon after they enrolled as freshmen in the fall of 1970. This leadership was provided in various co-curricular activities as weB as in the Student Association. Last fall the seniors won the class flag football championship. This year the class entered a float in the Homecoming Parade depicting a giant scrapbook of memories with turning pages. For his outstanding leadership and service throughout his four years at Harding, the seniors selected Mike Justus as the recipient of the 1974 Regina Spirit Award. This award was established to recognize annually the senior who, in the mind of his classmates, best epitomizes in his life and philosophy the ideals for which Harding College exists. The class dedicated the 1974 Petit Jean to Mr. Robert Helsten. 1. SENIOR OFFICERS: FRONT ROW: Trev. Pryor, sponsor; Debbie Dillard, secretarytreasurer; larry Wade, president. SECOND ROW: Dr. Neale Pryor, sponsor; Michael Hanks, vice president; Cheryl Elliott, sponsor; Dr. Gary Elliott, sponsor. 2. MIKE JUSTUS, SA president and 1974 Regina Spirit Award recipient, has been admitted to the University of Arkansas School of Medicine. 90 / SENIORS 2