W. T. Pearson, Construction Superintendent Guy Petway, Manager, Heritage Building lorene Poinde.,.r, Clerk, Post Office lyle Poincle...r, Shop Foreman Charien. Prod! , Sec. , Personnel Office Hubert Pulley, Campus wortc: Supervisor Gre, Rhodes, Transporiation Officer louise Riven, Sec., Development Office Byron A. Rowan, IS, Comptroller Marge Schramm, Sec ., Personnel Office .....11 Showatter. MA, Dir., FilYJociol Aids .eII.leah Shuff.tt, lA, Cleric, Post Office CarroU Smi~. PhD, NASA Rese<lrch Associate Donald J. Smith. Pilot H.rmon Spurlock. BA. Chief Engineer Robert E. Street. Monager. College Form Flora B. Swartt, Bookkeeper, Business Office Buford D. Twcbr, Exec . Sec., Alumni Office Mo. Ann. Tuck.r. BA. Clerk , Bookstore Bernie Vin••• Student Wor!l: Supervisor loil Vine., BA. Sec.• Education Deportment William T. Walacl, MA. Assistant Registrar Robert Watson, MA. Admissions Counselor Hlrman WI". Director , Harding Press Rosemary Wilson, Sec ., Director of Admissions Doro~y Woodrvff. Sec., Development Office louNiio Word, Moil Order Clerk, Bookstore Brenda Wrenn, Sec., Publications Office Ann Writht. Sec., Development Office Pat S. Youn,. lA, Cashier, Business Office ANALYZING the map that reflects the geographic distribution of students enrolled at Harding College. the Admissions Staff plans its strategy to maintain a full enrollment of qualified students for 1974-75. STAFF / 87