1973-1974 Yearbook

Brttt H. FOIl. Il. Admissions Counselor Julia Fr••man. Clerk, Business Office Poul Gardner. MS, Director of Annual Giving btll Go04win. Director, Pottie Cobb Holl Catfttrine Gould. Il. Sec., Dean of the College lay Gow'''. IA. Editoriol Assoc., Publications Betty Gre.n. Secretary, Athletic Deportment Stanl.y B. Gr"n. 851. Director, Publications Hugh Groonr. Mid. Athletic Director Mary I. Grov.I. Sec., Natural Science Oiv. Corinn. Hart. Mgr. , Pattie Cobb Cafeteria Chuck Hicks, IA. Artist , Publications Office W. G. Holleman. Supervisor, Maintenance Undo Hubllard, Secretory, Placement OffICe Vivian M. Hyd., Secretary, Harding Academy Mille Jamel , IS. Photographer, Publications Ruby Janel, IS, Director, Stephens Hall Joyce 5. Johnlon, Secretory, Dean of Men Jam.. D. Janel, Sr•• Oir ., Recording Services Billy C. Jordan. IA. Director, Graduate Hall H.II" I.orbey, Bookkeeper, Accoonting OffiC( Alic. Ann I""r, Asst . Director, Publications D.bbie latim.r, BA. Sec., Plocement Office Hol.1 lomax, Manager, College Inn J. Mille Lucu. IA. Asst . Oir., Media Center Goy McCoskil , Secr.tary, Business Office Br.nda I. McDaniel. lA, Sec., Dean of Women C. W. Mc:D_iel. Manager, College laoodry Dinah McDori.l. IA. Secretory, library Patricia Mdtwoin, Secretory, Harding Press Dvrwood McGoha. MH. Asst. Oir. of Admissions lynetf. Mangum. Clerk. Business Office Donna Martin. IA. Secr.tory, Vice President Gory R. Martin. IA. Special Representative Mary O. Mort... Director, Heritage Hall Wilt Martin. MAT. Director, Keller Hall lothl"n Milner. Secretory, Elementary School Sharon Ann Mitch.lI. Clerk, Business Office Lauro Mo...... Receptionist , Health Center Jane Mudc., Sec. , Financial Aids Office Richard Niswoncler. Night Watchman Edwl.. Pace. Executive Sec. to President 86 / STAFF ... 4 ( - -