11Mda Aaron, IS. IBM Operator Ide. AW.., LPN. Directcr, Cathcart Hall Marc.1a Bailey. Sec., Director of Research Danny Joe Baker. IS. Electrician Peggie Baker. IS. Set., Bible Deportment Jerome larn... EdD. Dir., Educ . Medio Center Dean Bowcom. BS. Admissions Counselor LaV.me B.ach. Sec., Home Economics Dept. Joan Berryhill. Cleric, Bookstore Rbeba Berryhill. lA, library Assistant Lucille Bobannon. Cleric, Post Office William Brklge•• IS. Asst . Mgr .• Bookstore RonoW L. Brotherton. MA. Djr. af Counseling Tommie Brown. Postmistress lathy Bnlll' .... IA. Setretcry. library nm Irvner. BA. Sports Writer. Publications TM""a Buchanan. Director, KeocIoll Hall Sue Bucy. Bookkeeper, Business Office Joyce Bulorel, Secretory, Registrar Corinne Burke. lA, library Assistant Da.. id B. 8urk•• PhD. Director of Piocement Id Bwi. Manager, College Bowl Ruth Burt. Clerk, Business Office 8.by L. Coker, EelD, Dir. of Imt. Testing Mary D. Coop.r. IS. Sec. , Accounting Office 8. J. Corllin. Mid. NASA Research Associate Doris Coward. lA, Secretcry, Alumni OffICe Jean Cox. LVN, LPN, oirectcr, Health Center Da.. ld C. Crouch. IS, Asst. oir., Publications WiIRam Curry. Manager. Heritage Cafeteria Betty 0... 1., Receptionist, Bible Deportment Carol o... b:, Secretary, GooJs Building laWf'tllte L. Dean, Compositcr. Harding Press Ma,..,... DlOn, Manager, Mailing Room Georgia DuBoi•• PBX Operator Aln c;.... D"",.,. MS, NASA Research Assoc. Gertrude Dyk.., Clerk. Bookstcre J. L. Dyk... MA. Manager, Bookstore latina Dyle.., IS. Set.. Vice Pres. for Finance Anita IUiott. Clerk. Post Office M..... llott. Shipping & Receiving Cleric AMn fowl., IA. CPA, Special Representative STAFF / 85