Muncy publishes book on marriage in utopian societies Sex and Marriage in Utopian Communities, the book that evolved from Dr. Ray Muncy's dissertation, received excellent reviews. The social science faculty was strengthened as Joe Segraves received the PhD, Earl Cobill and Ponder Wright joined the faculty, and Fred Jewell and Tom Statom took leaves for doctoral study. Bernadine Egly began full-time work in the behavioral sciences. counseling and teaching social work. Internship opportunities for senior majors ex· panded. A computer terminal was installed for the Business Department and business teachers were called to speak for state and national groups. Barbara Karaffa replaced Robert Kelly in business education as he pursued the doctorate. c;.y ""10"" •• MIA. CPA 1....14 L. Imttemn. MA Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Accounting Psychology .....IMII", MSSW CIft.. I. _., PhD Assistant Professor Professor Soc~1 Woric History W_LP.-,PIID 0.'" loHm. Ml Associate Professor Associate Professor Psychology Political Science 82 / SOCIAL SCIENCE o..W B. Burt•• PhD Assistant Professor Business Administration Jame. A. Hedrick. IdD. CPA Professor Accounting J.. T.S........ PIID Associate Professor Histcq 1..1 W. CoWl, MA III Cox. MIA. CPA. LLD WI",".. I. C.Ip, MA Instructor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Political Science Business Administration Sociology Thoma. Howard, MA Barbara 1.laraffa. MA Virgil H. Lawyer. Ml Instructor Instructor Associate Professor Political Science Business Education Social Science ClflonEl. SIMup, MST Innal N. Tuck.r. MS Bmy D. V.... !.r. PhD Assistont Professor Associate Professor Professor Geography Business Education Sociology