Mildred L. Bell, PhD Professor Home Economics Maurice l. Lawson, MS Associate Professor Physics Jod: Wood $ears, PhD Professor Biology Ilillbeth Wilson, MS Instructor Home Economics Troy Blue, MA Assistant Professor Mathematics James E. Mackey, PhD Associate Professor Physics Clifford E. Sharp, MST Assistont Professor Earth Science Edmond W. Wilson, PhD Assistant Professor Chemistry Shinn D. Crockett, MS Assistant Professor Home Economics Bill W. Oldham, IdD Associote Professor Mathematics Carroll W. Smith, PhD Associate Professor Chemistry George W. WoodrvH, IdO Associate Professor Biology 1. LAB STUDENT David Staggs works to find solutions to his chemistry problems. 2. LECTURING to freshmen biology classes is an everyday occurence for Dr. Jack Wood Sears. 3. ATTENDING to every detail of baking, Twila Copley completes an assign~ ment in home economics lab. 4. UTILIZING computer technology, Gene Dugger com~ putes mathematical data. 80 / NATURAL SCIENCE lonaW H. Denn! MA Alva Gene Dugger, MS Don EngkllM, PhD Lynn 1..IoM, MS Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Professor Assistant Profess« Biology Mathematics Chemistry Home EcononVcs D.... 8. Priest, PhD Joseph I. Pryor, PhD W. Bryce .oberson, PhD Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Mathematics Physical Science Biology StepMn W. Smith, PhD Ekline C. ,",ompson, MS ho Thompson, PhD WiUiom O. WitIUI, PM Assistant Professor Assistont Professor Associate Professor Professor Mothematics Home Economics Home Economics Chemistry