Searcy campus facilities open new era for Harding, ~ __ ~omote_educational grOJY:th _ In 1934, Harding College moved to Searcy to the 29·acre campus of Galloway College which had cl05ed two years earlier. Three buildings·Godden Hall, Pattie Cobb and the Old Science Building. formed the hub of the campus plant. With facilities and expansion accessible, administrators turned their attention to alleviating the school's financial indebtedness. On Thanksgiving Day. November 30. 1939. Dr. Benson announced to the lectureship audience that the mortgage had been fully paid. It was a great day of celebration, for Harding College could now expend its major efforts in planning and building for the future. Following World War II, old army barracks were purchased to acc:ommodate the influx of veterans in the student body. Appropriately called Vet Village. a settlement of apartments "oIlS erected for married students. Hutville, a temporary housing unit for men students, was also added. Six rock houses were constructed to serve as apartments for married students and faculty. Other additions included East and West dorms. an infirmary. science annex and a new boiler room. But all of these were only temporary facilities. The first ground breaking ceremony for a new facility at Harding was in 1948 with the initial preparation for Arm· strong Hall. Many old·timers of Harding were present for the occasion and at least one present faculty member·Clifton LGanus, Jr.. who was destined to become president of the college many years later. The new 2OO·capacity men's dor· mitory was completed in 1949. 61 HISTORY