.....tiI DIVI., Jr., OMu. Professor ~sic MOllO S. Moor•• Bl Instructor Music Fa,. I. Doran, PhD Assistant Professor Art Paul Ph1. MAo Instructor Art Sta...., •• G.... n, ISE Instructor Art Don D. Robinlon, MAo Associate Professor Art Art labs provide proving ground for ceramics students Dr. Faye Doran was added to the Art faculty after she completed her PhD at Penn State in Art Education. Don Robinson and Paul Pitt exhibited in several art festivals and received some excellent awards. Mr. Pitt also sold $2,300 worth of pottery created in the ceramics lab. Elizabeth Mason directed a four-week study tour in Greece and Italy. Dr. Kenneth Davis, Jr., was one of three recipients of the Distinguished Teacher Awards for 1973. During the summer he studied German at the Goethe Institute. Dr. William Hollaway had several choral numbers published by Golden Press. George Baggett completed his dissertation for the DME and Cliff Ganus III pursued doctoral study at the University of Colorado. by art students Hilda Lavan, Ross Reid, and Ami Anderson . 2. SEARCHING for the proper pitch Jeff Hopper directs a practice session of the A Cappella Chorus. 3. PAINTING. pasting and cutting. LaJuana Case constructs projects for her Art in the Elementary Class. 4. A CAPPELLA chorus member Donna Dale rehearses musical numbers for the Christmas tour. William W. Hollaway, PhD Associate Professor Music ElIlObttlt I. MalOft, MA Professor Art A.nn R. S...II, MM Assistant Professor Music Arthur L. SlMorlo, IA Associate Instrudor M.Jsic FINE ARTS / 77