Tahkodah meeting highlights projects for golden jubilee The annual pre-school Tahkodah conference gained added importance this year as Harding prepared for its fiftieth anniversary, and a record enrollment. The facu lty and administrators met on August 24 to discuss plans and schedule projects for the 1974 school year. Harding employed the full-time equivalent of 98 instructors during the year to teach a record enrollment of 2319 students. This gave a studentfaculty ratio of 23.6. Doctoral degrees were held by 37.7 percent of the faculty and 57.9 held the masters degree or higher but not the doctorate. Recipients of Harding's annual Distinguished Teacher Awards were Dr. Kenneth Davis, Jr., Dr. Don England and Mrs . Betty Work Watson. Harding's Golden Anniversary Year was initiated with a formal convocation on February IS. Hon. Dale Bumpers, governor of the state of Arkansas, was the featured speaker. • • • .....