1973-1974 Yearbook

Board members aid in recruitment and fund-raising Deeply interested in Christian education, the Board of Trustees worked jointly with the administration on the developmental programs and plans for Harding's fiftieth anniversary celebrations. They not only devoted time to student recruitment, fundraising and public relations, but also contributed $1 million for Phase III of the Development Program. Various Board members were appointed to committees dealing with the financial, auditing and construction aspects of Harding. They chose Dr. Richard Burt of Richardson, Texas, to serve as the new chairman. 1. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. FRONT ROW: Dallas Harris, Houston T. Karnes. Richard Fulier, George S. Benson, Leman Johnson, J. A. Thompson, Clifton l. Ganus. SECOND ROW: Milton Peebles, Dan Russell, Olen Hendrix, Houston Ezell, James B. Ellers, Hillard Johnmeyer, Roy Sawyer. THIRD ROW: Richard Burt, Richard Gibson, Jim Bill Mclnteer, Harold Cogburn, James H. Cone. Flancy Alexander, David Burton. 2. DISCUSSING issues of paramount importance to the nation, Dr. George S. Benson and a network newscaster talk on the front campus during the annual Freedom Forum. 68 / BOARD OF TRUSTEES