Clifton L. Ganus, Jr. 1922· president has had a long association with -.ltcbliligback to his freshman year of 1939. achieved an outstanding record in both while enrolled as a student, and he is still prowess on the handball courts. his M.A. from Tulane University in 1946, Harding as a professor of history and later i!IIInll,n of the Department of History and Social ~== ofthe School of American Studies. as vice president of the college in 1956, and in June, 1965. launched a Decade of Development that has the erection of eight new buildings. stressed Harding's fourth "Roo - and has strenuously worked in physical , and spiritual areas of concentration to lead in her pursuit of excellence. teaching of God's Word as imperative, he be no God in the lives of men, then such - a hunger, hatred, strife and conflict - is is our purpose at Harding that God be enthroned Df._rvmember of the staff and student body and shall be our most ilnportant text. Being loyal to and filled with His love, we shall continue to keep fundamental, conservative, Christian college that God and be a blessing to all those it touches." Commitment is Harding's watchword: Christian men lead college through SO years The greatness of an institution, though attributed to many things, can be traced to the individuals who have provided its leadership. All the goals, purposes and commitments of a lifetime cannot be fulfilled without continued perserverance of someone whose dedication to them is of primary importance. Visions become realities only when someone sacrifices his energies to the cause. Harding has been fortunate to have had such men to lead her through the struggles of SO years and to bring her to a place of prominence in education today. Through their leadership, Harding has become a national leader in Christian education. By their dedication, she has remained true to the goals and purposes for which many men and women sacrificed their time and talents to give her life. Leadership of such great ilnpact demands diligence in maintaining goals and ideals with integrity, Diligence in service is of vital importance to a commitment as noble as Harding'S, Such diligence keeps Hardin!! College from losing her identity; she remains the same in spite of physical and curricular changes. The special spark with which its leaders have guided the college through SO years of service is its underlying principle of ed ucating the whole man. The eternal emphasis in students achieve, This emphasis can be traced to many sources of leadership, all vital to the completion of the whole. Daily worship periods in the chapel services have provided inspiration to many students as they have committed themselves to greater Christian service. Classes in which the Bible is studied to glean knowledge of God's will for mankind have prOVIded awareness of truth and right. Associations among Christian peers have brought fulfillment to seemingly meaningless lives as Christianity permeated the hearts. All these opportunities have been fostered through the leadership of dedicated, Christian men who have undertaken the responsibility of guiding the destiny of a ,pecial kind of educational institution. The men who have served as presidents of Harding College have had as great impact in the community and the church as they have had in the college itself. Theirs have been lives of service to others in every capacity where such service was needed. Of foremost importance has been their service to God and the church. Each has been prominently known by his evangelistic and missionary zeal. Each has personally taken the gospel of Christ into his life and shared it with others around the world. And in caring tor the souls of men, civic and community needs have not been neglected. Harding's first SO years stand as a living testimonial to private higher education, American free enterprise, academic excellence and the dedication of countless men and women who have invested in her Christian education. For five decades, Harding has openly displayed her goals, her values and her aspirations for her students and for the nation. The leadership of Christian education has consistently stressed these emphases. HISTORY / 5