1973-1974 Yearbook

Admissions staff moves to facilities in Ganus Building FRED J. ALEXANDER. MEd, Director of Admissions , moved into new facilities in the Ganus Building. The.move united the entire staff of the Admissions Office and, as a result, they were more able to coordinate their efforts as a whole. He cond ucted meetings with the chairmen of the various departments to enable him to better represent the departments while traveling on behalf of the college. Alexander traveled extensive ly on recruiting trips with The Time of Day. 1. MI CROFILM equipment, as Brenda Dimmin finds, needs Miss Birdsall'S ex· planations. Librarian named to Who's Who of American Women SHIRLEY BIRDSALL, MSLS , received the honor of being selected to WHO'S WHO of AMERICAN WOMEN for 1973. She directed the library during its first academic year with the new wing. Miss Birdsall worked with several faculty committees on campus including the Student Affairs Committee. She also directed committees for the Arkansas Library Association and Harding Business Women. 66 / ADMISSIONS; LI BRARIAN