1. TAKING a break from his busy schedule, Lott Tucker drops by the bookstore to chat with his wife. 2. FINANCE officer Lott Tucker finds time to discuss low-finance matters with students Andy Davidson and Brenda Guntharp . Tucker authorizes expenditures; new constructions begin LOTI R. TUCKER, JR., BA, Harding's Vice-President for Finance, relaxed from his office duties by attending sports events. Intramural games particularly attracted his attention, since his two sons took part in several sports. Tucker supervised the remodeling of the Ganus building and the construction of the girls' dormitory, the married students' apartments and the Bible building extension. He also checked and au thorized the expenditures of the college and its auxiliary functions . Tucker actively involved himself in the Searcy Chamber of Commerce, the Kiwanis Club and the Searcy Municipal Planning Commission. In addition to these activities, he was on the board of directors of the Searcy Federal Savings and Loan Association and served as a deacon of the College Church of Christ. VICE PRESIDENT, FINANCE / 61