1973-1974 Yearbook

Children's homes, American Studies hold Cox's interest BILLY RAY COX, Harding's executive Vice-President , devoted a large portion of his time to working with various student groups on campus. Cox coached five national championship business teams, directed the American Studies Program and broadcasted all home football games. His concern for others led him to involvement in orphanage work and educational programs at the Arkansas Children's Colony and the state penitentiaries. Cox received the Freedom Foundation Award for the last two years. A popular speaker, he addressed the Co-operative Food Distributors of Hawaii and the Annual Convention of Virginia Banken;. In February he traveled to Florida where he met with the Power and Communication Contractors Association. A member of the American Business Law Association, Cox holds five CPA certificates , an MBA and a TDA. 1. REVEALING a penchant for the nonsensical, Billy Ray Cox displays his invisible dog. 2. FIND ING it hard to swallow his wife's story, Billy Ray Cox submits to Faculty Follies' tormentor Bobby Chisholm while Dave Hawley watches with approval. VICE-PRESI DENT / 59