Building projects heralds Ganus' decade of growth CLIFTON L. GANUS, PhD, completed his ninth year as Harding's head. Inaugurated on September 18, 1965, the president brought forth plans for a "decade of development" calling for the construction of 12 buildings. Eight projects were completed between 1965 and 1973. This year saw the completion of the extension to the Bible building and the progressing construction of a women's dormitory and 60 married students' apartments. Over 5,000 outstanding high school students participated in the seminars, Americanism for Youth, which he helped organize. Having traveled in the Soviet Union during the summer, Ganus returned to report on his studies of life in Com· munist countries. Apart from his administrative duties Ganus served on the boards of First Security Bank, and Finest Foods, Inc. He holds membership in Alpha Chi, Phi Alpha Theta, and the American Historical Society. 1. PRE-SCHOOL Takodah faculty conferences command Dr. Ganus' undivided attention. 2. FINDING relief from his ad· ministrative responsibilities, Dr. Ganus enjoys a bowl of ice cream with students on Track and Field Day. 58 / PRESIDENT