1973-1974 Yearbook

Harding students realize seriousness of world in 1973 "It was the best of times; it was the worst of times" definitely characterized 1973. The Watergate scandal, the Wounded Knee confrontation, the resignation of the Vice President, trouble in the Middle East, increased inflation throughout the world, the rising rate of illicit drug traffic, and the energy crisis presented great problems. The return of Vietnam POW's, in· creased employment, launching of the first manned Skylab, stabilization of the dollar in foreign markets, peaceful arbitration of serious international problems, renewed efforts toward rational solutions to domestic problems, and signs of greater interest in religion on college campuses were bright marks on the horizon. The seriousness of the times was brought home to the Harding community by the death of a student in the terriorist attack at the Rome airport and the steps taken to meet the energy crisis. 1. RETURNING POW's are greeted by their families at Travis Air Force Base, Calif. 2. ADVANCING Israeli armor inside Egypt creates an international crisis in the Middle East. 3. TRAVELING to all parts of the world. Secretary of State Kissinger arbitrates one major international problem after another. 4. CROWDED gasoline stations indicate the seriousness of the energy crisis. Photographs by WIDE WORLD PHOTOS INC. • WORLD SCENE / 55