1973-1974 Yearbook

1. PROTECTED by an umbrella, Randy McCord and linda Scott pause to check the sun dail on a rainy day. 2. PROTECTING the bal l, Gary Baker pivots and prepares to pass to a teammate . 3. MAKING movies for an educa t ion course proves a challenging assignment for Joe Myers and Jim Gowan. 4. PRICING items at an art sale, students choose Christmas gifts. 5. GREETING the crowd with a smile, Governor and Mrs. Bumpers appear in the Homecoming parade. 6. SNACKING between classes, Ann McDonald, Dave Hawley and Dana Altman enjoy the friendly atmosphere of t he student center. 7. BRISK fall weather provides an excellent opportunity fo r a hayride . 8. POPPING a fly ball. Bill Morgan takes a base hit whi le umpire Stacy Peters and catcher Greg Bagley watch from behind the plate. 9. LIGHTING the student center, a spruce welcomes students and reminds them of the coming holidays. SEASONS, FALL / 49