1. ACCEPTING an offer for a free hair cut, Ben Brannon instructs Leslie Hays about the desired length. 2. COMPARING notes between classes, Mike Hanks and Bill Browning discuss possible test questions. 3. WARM sunshine draws friends together and encourages an ahernoon chat . 4. RELAXING with a book, Sue Little enjoys a warm· weather break from winter. 5. FINDING the weather appealing, Dr. Neale Pryor conducts Bible class on the lawn. 6. TAKING advantage of the new bowling facilities, Debra Corbett tries to improve her to improve her score. 7. RIDING an ever·popular ten speed bicycle, Kim Keller pauses to catch her breath. 8. SPENDING an evening with her friend, Brenda Shores reads nursery rhymes to Kimberly Cox, LEISURE TIME / 43