1973-1974 Yearbook

Relentlessly, time moves on and we must endeavor to use Qur time as wisely as we know how. We have only the present with which to redeem the past, with which to purchase the future. Our legacy is to ensure that those who follow do not know the agonies we have faced ... Arab terrorism in Rome, war in the Middle East, and political kidnappings. Our brothers suffer famine in Africa, there is strife in Asia, even at horne - can we redeem the past, or shall we merely dismiss it? Other's efforts to use time wisely have given us Skylab , brought Amtrak to Arkansas, and seen Kissinger mediate in Israel. Nearer home it is seen in commemorating SO years of service. With problems like the energy crisis, and impending grain shortages facing us, will we attempt to solve them - or just let the sands run out? As seniors we stand at the threshhold of a new world. But, like the Roman god Janus, we face forwards as well as backwards: we bid farewell to books and leave behind good friends, yet we must go forward to meet the future. We must decide what to do with our time. Our time may be wasted, or it may help to produce a monument to service like Harding. Spend today wisely - Heaven depends on it. EPILOGUE / 399