1973-1974 Yearbook

Building on a Heritage It all began so humbly - a handful of students and teachers. Today, sixteen years later, we acknowledge with gratitude the beginnings of Harding Graduate School of Religion as a branch of Harding College. Much has happened since 1958. Harding Graduate School includes 12 faculty, 168 students , an excellent library and one of the most beautiful campuses in the country. Full accreditation and a curriculum geared to the times are further dimensions of its credibility. But even these facts fail to comprehend the uniqueness of Harding Graduate School. The Graduate School is more than buildings and books. Harding is people. From its beginning. this school has placed high priority on the personal. Faculty, staff and students form a real community. They move among each other teaching, bearing burdens, sharing joys, and experiencing the benefits of being joint heirs of the grace of God. Harding Graduate School -just as Harding in all her facets - stands or falls in direct proportion to its faithfulness to the Lordship of Christ and the authority of the inerrant word. God has been good. He has brought a work into being and has worked through its graduates for many years. Have you considered increasing your skills through dedicated graduate study? For information and application forms write: Dr. Harold Hazelip, Dean Harding Graduate School of Religion 1000 Cherry Road Memphis , Tenn. 38117 ADVERTISEMENTS / 377