1973-1974 Yearbook

A Complete Survey oj the Bible and Church History by lule L. Miller and Texas H. Stevens FIVE FILMSTRIPS DESIGNED TO CONVERT THE LOST AND STRENGTHEN THE SAVED Over 400 pictures and charts in I iving color give a panoramic view of the entire Bible and church history. Designed to convert the lost to Christ and to strengthen Christians in fundamental Bible teaching. Thousands have been baptized after studying ,n the privacy of their own homes. Over 20.000 kits sold. FILMSTRIP TITlES • PART 1 THE PATRIARCHAL AGE (72 frames) • PART 2 THE MOSAIC AGE (82 frames) • PART 3 THE CHRISTIAN AGE (84 frames) • PART 4 GOD'S PLAN OF REDEMPTION (82 frames) • PART 5 HISTORY OF THE CHURCH (82 frames) Now Christians can teach and convert their friends in the intimacy of their own homes. Projected Bible pictures in full c~lor open new doors for reaching the losl. These Are The Tools You Have Been Waiting forI Five lessons in full-color filmstrips or slides. Five 12" records or cassettes with automatic advance . Full-color. fully illustrated manuals with questions to be answered by prospects. No.506F No.506FR No.506R No.506FC No.506CA No. 5065 No.506SR No.506SC No. Ii08 No.207FR VISUALIZED BIBLE STUDY SERIES Five filmstrips and five fully illustrated manuals (Extra manuals only. set of 5 ... $1.20) ..... $44.110 Five filmstrips. five 12" records (with automatic Signal). manuals .................... $59.45 Five 12" records only ....................................•.....•..... $19.• Five filmstrips. five cassettes (with automatic signal). manuals .........•........... $64.45 Five cassettes only .........................................•..•...•. $24•• Five lessons in 2" x 2" slides with five manuals ..........•..•..•.............. 864.110 Slides, five 12" records (with automatic signal) ...............•............... $79,45 Slides, five cassettes (with automatic signal), manuals ............•.............. $84.45 CULTURALLY ORIENTED EDITIONS With black models No. 508 may be used in any combination above With Latin American models. Filmstrip, records and manual (unrevised) ....•.... . ...... $54.95 SLIDE SERIES FOR THE DEAF No. 50650 The complete narration for each frame has been edited and is read on the screen underneath the picture. The regular full-color filmstrip manuals may be used as a workbookkeview and for further study. This series also is ideal for young people who wish to convert their young friends to Christ. Five lessons in 406 color slides with manuals . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • . . •• 814.. 372 / ADVERTISING