1. FIRST GRADE. FRONT ROW: Curry, Jones, Reynolds, Diles, Campbell, Gillpatrick. Faulk. SECOND ROW: Rox, Burks, Meirose, Throckmorton , Beavers, England, Mrs. Blue (teacher) . 2. PEE WEE ATHLETES, FRONT ROW: Alston , Boyd, KUhnl, Yarbrough, Ozbirn, Woody. SECOND ROW: Oaughety, Underwood. Cox, Burkett, Pryor, Higginbotham, Shirley. Meirose. THIRD ROW: Smith , Nichols, Berry, Barry, Knight, Pittman, Walker, Tindell, Richey. Barnes. 3. ENJOYING one another's attention, Pam Curry and Toni Beavers show their endless energy. 4. DISCOVERING nature becomes a fascinating experience for youn~ students. Rodney Smith and Cary Banks. 5. SECOND GRADE. FRONT ROW: Treat, Bridges, Mrs. Alston (teached, Reynolds, Hutchins, Priest, Underwood, Ballinger, Barden, Parsons, Smith. SECOND ROW: Corbin. THIRD ROW: Baines, Daughety, Davis. Allen , Bailey, Burks. 6. KITTEN CLUB. FRONT ROW: L. Gillpatrick, Parsons. Cook , Berry, Gregory, C. Gillpatrick, Martin, Coker. SECOND ROW (CHEERLEAOERS) : Dugger, Priest, Morton, Shackelford, Cannon, Sharp, Hacker, Pledger . THIRD ROW: Woody, Alexander, S. Wright, M . Wright, Kel1, Norwood, O'Brien, Romine. 7. THIRO GRADE, FRONT ROW: Loftin, Gillpatrick, Gould, Jones. SECONO ROW: Alexander, Higginbotham, Coker, Woodruff, Mrs. Lawson (teacher). THIRD ROW: Patterson, Woodward, Woody, Smith, Shirley, FOURTH ROW: Stroy, Curry, Spearman, Rowan. FIFTH ROW: Fox, Porter, Ozbirn, Bailey, Pledger. 8. DISPLAYING their enthusiasm, elementary girls cheer as Pee Wee Cats stream onto the field. 9. EXHAUSTED after recess, Racheal Woodroof pauses for a refreshing drink. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL / 335