1973-1974 Yearbook

Sixth grade class sends Bibles to Iron Curtain lands The sixth grade engaged in a special project this year in addition to their annual spring visit to Little Rock. Motivated by an Austrian missionary speaker, Bob Hare. they earned ISO dollars to use for the purchasing of Bibles to be delivered to Christians behind the Iron Curtain. The Kitten Club and the elementary Cheerleaders gave their support to the Pee Wee athletes. 1. SIXTH GRADE. FRONT ROW: Ozbirn. Ballinger , Berry. Barry. Walker , Pryor , Burkett . SECOND ROW: Alexander, Woodroof, Norwood, M. Wright . Vinson, S. Wright. Pledger, Woody. Schol. THIRD ROW: Williams. O'Brien, Tate. Hacker, Kell, Morton , Shackelford, Mrs . Alexander (teacher). FOU RTH ROW: Romine. Priest, Dugger, Sharp. Cannon . 2. FIFTH GRADE. FRONT ROW: Richey , Pittman, Shirley, Flippin, Boyd , Knight, Robison, Gregory, Daughety. SECOND ROW: Smith. Tindell. Woodward, Higginbotham, Cox, Nichols, l. Gillpatrick, Barnes. THIRD ROW: Alston, Parsons, Martin, Cook, Yarbrough, Berry, Coker, C. Gilipatrick, Mrs. Helsten (teacher). 3. FOURTH GRADE. FRONT ROW: Meirose. Underwood. Kiihnl , Chris Woody. SECOND ROW: C. Bailey , Beck , Howard, Knight, Fox . THIRr .1: Corbin, 150m, Campbell. FOL . \ I H ROW: Mrs. Sears (teacher). FIFTH ROW: L. Bailey, Ballinger, Pryor, Priest. SIXTH ROW: Morris, Breshears, Christy 'oody, Wright, Sims. 4. CREATIVITY is s, .....n by first graders during elementary art clo;:os. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL / 333