1973-1974 Yearbook

Wildcat trackster captures '73 state highjump honors 1. STRAINING for a new maximum, junior Ken Turner prepares for the District track meet. 2. RUNNING is an important part of sophomore David Woody's daily workout in track. 3. SUSPENDED over the bar, Bryan Williams shows his title-winning form. 4. SENIOR HIGH TRACK TEAM : FRONT ROW: Gent ry. Sutherl and, T u rne r , D. Woody, Morris, Oldham, G. Woody. SECOND ROW: Coach Watts. Murphey, Roberts, Bullard, Carr, Martin, Posey, Shackleford. THIRD ROW: Coach Braden, Coach Felker, Schol, Showalter, Prock, Williams, Garner, Parsons, Castleberry, Coach Norwood, Coach Elliott. 3 332 / TRACK