1973-1974 Yearbook

1. MAKING use of a fast break, sophomore Jeff Payne puts up another shot. 2. SENIOR HIGH BASKETBALL. FRONT ROW: Cox, Smith, Cannon, Wallace, Payne, Martin. SECONO ROW: Higbee lmanager), Coach Felker, Posey, Woody, Showalter, Williams, Prock, Daniel, Coach Norwood. 3. STRAINING to shoot over a Rosebud guard, John Daniel attempts a basket. 4. COM· BINING balance and hustle, Cam Prock drives past his opponent. 5. JUMPING to gain possession of the ball, Bryan Williams wins the tip for the Wildcats. 6. HUDDLED during a timeout, the team rests while listening to Coach Norwood's instructions. 7. BRINGING the ball into play, Billy Martin begins the team's plan of action. SENIOR BASKETBALL / 329