1973-1974 Yearbook

New Head Coach stresses attitude and sportsmanship Coping with the necessary adjustments needed when new coaches arrive, the team worked with Coaches Norwood and Felker to give their best in practice, on the court, and in improving their relationship with other team members. By stressing attitude and sportsmanship the coaches were able to lead the team as far as the county semifinals where they were defeated by Judsonia. Depth and variety were added to the team by using starters from each ciass. Juniors Cam Prock and Bryan Williams were chosen for the Senior High All-County Tournament Team. 328 / SENIOR BASKETBALL Harding 63 Heber Springs 44 Bold Knob 55 Judsonia 65 McRae 45 Collon Planl 36 McCrory 58 Rosebud 44 Collon Planl 46 Newport 58 Rosebud 47 Augusla 66 Vilonia 61 Cenlrol 48 Bold Knob 55 Griffilhville 53 Judsonia 54 Rosebud 74 Pangburn 40 Augusla 58 Heber Springs 58 Pleasanl Plains 44 Kensett Opponent. 60 58 67 37 60 59 53 72 81 40 63 69 54 61 39 75 51 89 60 53 52 57