1. URGING her team to victory, Jana Altman eagerly generates spirit amongst Wildcat fans. 2. CHEERLEADERS Patricia Kiihnl and Mary Ann Kellar express their appreciation to coach Elliott after another Cat victory. 3. HOPING to avoid discovery, Becky Curtis delivers homemade goodies to tempt the appetite of her secret pal. 4. JUNIOR CHEERLEADERS. M . Alston, Kellar. Berry, Goad. Kiihnl. 5. CHEERING the team on to another victory, the fans rally before the final buzzer. 6. SENIOR CHEERLEADERS. Harris, Bales, Beavers, Altman, Webb. 7. PEP CLUB. FRONT ROW: S. Coker. Romine. Howell, Allen, Pruitt, Wright. Woody. D. Coker. SECOND ROW: Parsons, Verkler, Groves. Bales. Coward, Smith, Jordan, Bendinelli, Pierce, Winter. THIRD ROW: Roberts, Segraves, Robinson, Musick, Daniels, C. Curtis, B. Curtis, Norris. FOURTH ROW: Wilson, Guffey, Alston, Beavers, Lawyer, Burkett, Vinson. Angel. NANCY HARRIS TINA BEAVERS ROBIN BALES 326 I CHEERLEADERS JANA ALTMAN KIM WEBB