REsum Harding Opponents 12 Beedeville a 14 Deaf School a 4a Wheat ley 22 22 Heber Springs a 2 Morris a 28 Deaf School 7 1, J UNIOR HIGH FOOTBALL TEAM. FRONT ROW: J. Daniel , Mgr., Lloyd, Barker, T. Green, Spurlock, Roberts , Muncy, Robin Reynolds, Aaron, Clay. Curry, Mgr. SECOND ROW: Gould, Mgr., Webb, Coker, Isom, DuPont, Harper, Beavers, Warren, Ricky Reynolds, McGaha, Ozbirn, Mgr. THIRD ROW: Mike Burkett, Mark Burkett. K. Smith, S. Smith, Ulrey, J . Allen, Posey, T. Allen, Barry, Woodroof, Thornton , G. Green, Scarsdale. FOURTH ROW: Alexander, Parsons, Kell, White, Gregory. Eubanks, R. Barnes, Banks, Farrar, Yingling, Curtis, Matthews, Lambert. FIFTH ROW: Coach Barden, Coach Fitzgerald, Drennan, Kiihnl, McNeece, Wheeler, Brashears, Scarbrough, Campbell , Schol, Wright, W. Smith, Peacock, Daniels, Campbell, Wright, K. Reynolds, B. Barnes, Coach Felker, Rainwater, Coach Elliot . 2. CHAIRING Coach Elliot off the field, the Junior Wildcats celebrate an undefeated season. Aggressive juniors catapault to 6-0, set school record This year was the junior high team's best season ever, as they catapulted to an impressive 6-0 record. The young team's quarterback, Kevin Webb, passed well behind an aggressive line, The defense gathered a powerful team to shut out all but two opponents. Some 23 freshmen made the team and their experienced talent proved equal to every task. Running out of the backfield was the forte of Ponder Wright, lr .. as he rushed for yardage. Head coach David Elliot and assistant coach Sam Fitzgerald directed the team to its unprecedented record. The trip to Heber Springs highlighted the year when, starting as underdogs, the Wildcats quickly scored and succeeded in blanking the highly rated Panthers. JUNIOR FOOTBALL / 325