1973-1974 Yearbook

You are a man with many talents and interests . You have amazed us many times with your keen wit and your mastery of "turning a phrase" appropos to the situation at hand. You have supported enthus iastically the entire spectrum of student activities - judging debates , attending lyceums , giving blood at Red Cross draws , supporting the Bisons , "MCing " talent shows, directing devotionals , speaking at banquets. masquerading as a cheerleader . You have bridged the "gap" between your generatian of students in 1946 and our generation in 1974. You enjoy life and demonstrate the peace and happiness that comes with a deep commitment to Christ and His righteousness . You exhibit a genuine interest in your fellowman and on appreciation for the culture of other nations and races , having served six years as a missionary in Germany. You guided us as freshmen to a better understanding of the Bible as God's revealed word to man and as upperclassmen you introduced us to church history and the development of Christian thought . You have entertained us, you have associated with us , you have instructed us, you have Inspired us, you have loved us. For your life lif service to us, we, the Senior Class of 1974, dedicate the 1974 PetitJean to you , ROBERT L HELSTEN. 28 / DEDICATION