1973-1974 Yearbook

1. DISPLAYING his ball-handling abilities, George Duberry brings the ball downcourt for Galaxy. 2. ARCHING the ball, J immy Allen pumps in two for the faculty, as Terry Greenwood looks on. 3. LEANING into the pitch, Dave Hawley slams the ball as Clyde Ledgerwood looks on. 4. KICKING the ball, Luann Phelps displays her speedball skill as Becky Westerman and Vicky Kirchner looks on . 5. PREPARING to shoot , Joyce Richardson keeps her eye on the basket. 6. RACKETBALL, a new sport at Harding, and Tom Holliman shows how it is played. 7. CONCENTRATION plays a key role in table tennis, as Rick Murphy displays winning form. 8. VICTORY is celebrated by the Mohicans aher winning club softball competition. 9. STRETCHING every muscle , Danny Williston, keeps eye on the rim. 282 / INTRAMURALS